الرسوم .أ) Price (JD)الحجم Volume (Liter)  
The Method           الطريقة
Water Analysis Testتحاليل المياه
51PH Meter – Electrometric Method pHدرجة الحموضة
51EC Meter – Electrometric Method Electric conductivity (EC)درجة الملوحة
51Calculation to EC ratioTDSمجموع المواد الصلبة الذائبة
2025-Day BOD TestBOD5الأكسجين المستهلك حيويا
201WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsCODالأكسجين المستهلك كيمائيا
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsNitrateنترات
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsPhosphorusفوسفور
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsCaكالسيوم
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsMgمغنيسيوم
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsNaصوديوم
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsKبوتاسيوم
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsClكلورايد
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsFeحديد
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsBبورون
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsMnمنغنيز
151WTW Spectrophotometer photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS/kitsSO4سلفات


The difference in the quality of water according to its source affects its use. As a result of the scarcity of water in Jordan and its low quality, the analysis of the different available water characteristics is an important factor in the management of multiple water uses.

Therefore, Methods for Irrigation and Agriculture (MIRRA) NGO announces the availability of a laboratory equipped to measure the quality standards of different types of water at reasonable prices. The laboratory performs specialized analyzes of drinking water, marginal water and wastewater covering physical and chemical parameters (basic, heavy metals, rare and organic). The period between delivery of samples and receipt of the final report with results does not exceed 15 days.

MIRRA provides water analysis services for the agricultural, industrial and domestic sectors from all regions of the Kingdom as well as water samples belonging to the research projects in order to determine their validity for the intended purposes and determine any negative effects that may result from their use.

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