MIRRA – MIRRA trained 30 personnel on O&M of decentralized wastewater management in Schools

MIRRA_ UNICEF Jordan _Project Updates 💧🌞🌱
On Sunday 29 Sep 2019, MIRRA built the capacities of more than 30 personal from Rihab village schools , Mafraq education directorate, Rihab Municipality and local councils on the operation and maintenance of the installed components in three schools in Rihab for sustainable water and agriculture management.
The training included the operation and maintenance of the low-energy automated drip irrigation systems using both fresh and treated water, Solar power system to provide the whole electricity need, decentralized wastewater treatment plants using modified septic tank technology and grey water treatment and reuse for toilet flushing.
This building capacity program is part of MIRRA-UNICEF project “Decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse in institutions”. This project is working to close that water scarcity gap by targeting three schools within the Rihab district in Mafraq Governorate. With a population of 23,874 consisting of nearly 3000 Syrians, the rural district has no sewer network, instead relying on the a cesspit to dispose waste water. Agriculture in Irhab relies on a piped water network that is meant for domestic use and water trucks, in addition to privately-owned wells.
To know more about the project and its progress, please see
- Date- September 29, 2019
- Author-MIRRA
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