MIRRA – HTU trainees’ visits

MIRRA conducted field visits to different sites in Jordan. These visits are complementary visits to the theoretical training conducted by MIRRA on different topics (Soilless Agriculture, Organic Farming and Non-conventional water technologies).
The HTU trainees visited different soilless agriculture systems in GAZA camp. The trainees observed all components of the soilless agriculture systems and demonstrated different soilless agriculture systems (Nutrient Film Technique and Deep-water Culture). Moreover, they used the EC and pH meters to measure water salinity and pH. They also visited a farm in which the farmer produces bio-gas generation units and compost.
This training is part of the collaboration project between the Hussein Technical University and Sahara project. The goal of this training to enhance the capacities of female unemployed female engineers on the innovation and food production inside the Water- Energy- Food Nexus in Jordan. Where MIRRA is the technical trainer in this program.
- Date- November 23, 2020
- Author-MIRRA
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