MIRRA – MIRRA Summer School of Sustainability 2019 Module 2 started in Azraq Jordan

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20/8/2019, MIRRA Summer School of Sustainability is ongoing with Module 2 Climate Change, Azraq, Jordan. Eng. Weam Mahdawi opened the module with overall thorough highlights on water sitauion in Jordan, water scarcity and current polices to face water scarcity.
Follwing that, Eng, Mosa Hlehal, Director of the Azraq Basin, Azraq Water Authority, Ministry of Water and Irrigation addressed interactively with the youth the following aspects:
* The history of Azraq basin management and current management approach by Azraq Water Authority.
* The value of the Azraq basin to Jordan and the challenges to sustain the basin and current applied protection measures.
* A scientific based description of the Azraq bazin groundwater (what exactly happening underground).
*Azraq Basin water pricing for farmers (It is the biggest challenge!). The water pricing let the Azraq Water Authority to be mis-received by local farmers.
* The dynamics of the Water Authority and Azraq farmers relationships including (bottlenecks and opportunities).
* Azraq farmer perception and unsustainable agriculture practices (Illegal wells,instinctive agriculture (not based on knowledge) and over irrigation)
- Date- August 20, 2019
- Author-MIRRA
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