MIRRA – MIRRA’s Summer School for Sustainability 2019 finished its Module three

Eng. Maram Zaid, MIRRA’s Irrigation and Agriculture Department Manager conducted a three- days training. The objective of the first day training was to enhance trainees technical capacities on sustainable agriculture, irrigation systems design and agriculture related strategies. At the beginning, Eng. Maram Zaid did a presentation on sustainable agriculture and mentioned three types of irrigation systems. After that, trainees were divided into three groups. Each group selected one of the irrigation systems and defined it and identified its advantages and disadvantages. Then trainees presented their results and discussion was held. After that, Eng. Maram Zaid explained to trainees concepts in irrigation systems design.
In the second day, the trainer with the trainees went to one of the demonstration sites. Eng. Khalil Bani Mustafa, MIRRA’s field Engineer, explained to the trainees how to conduct a uniformity test, and then the trainees conducted the uniformity test by themselves in groups.
In the third day, the trainees had identified innovative solutions to tackle the problems identified in Module 2.
In the last module (Module 4), the trainees will be trained on how to develop a concept note from the results gained from the previous modules.
- Date- August 29, 2019
- Author-MIRRA
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